Late last year we both happened to attend the same networking meeting. Knowing of her success, I was saddened and surprised to see her full of despair. After the meeting, I reached out to her and soon we were talking over coffee.
It was clear she knew the ropes. Her knowledge, curiosity and capabilities were vast. And she was fun! Graphic designer turned PR maven, I thought to myself, “What is causing this despair?” It soon became evident: With 21 successful years in business, she was stuck! This is very common. You just have to know how to work your way out of it.
She told me about her long to-do list. How she wasn’t being accountable to herself and that she definitely wasn’t ready to face the truth: all those proposals she was sending out were no longer landing the big accounts.
Shortly after our meeting, Dyana decided to invest in herself and hired me to coach her.

Ever Felt This Way???
She was tired of working in isolation. She felt inept around technology. She longed for the good ol’ days when shaking hands was how work got done. Imagine, new clients expecting her to conduct business using social media! She felt trapped, unable to meet their demands and was unnecessarily giving up business to her younger counterparts. Referrals, which were the mainstay of her marketing, no longer kept her business flourishing.
When I asked Dyana if I could share how coaching changed her in only 6 sessions, she graciously agreed.
Today, Dyana is back working at full speed, her energy shines through and new clients are seeking her out.
- Created Super Dy – a new image for herself to post on her wall, which immediately raised her self-esteem and tapped into her inner strengths.
- Accepted that she has unique gifts to give her clients and began to use them again.
- Re-envisioned her business and the impact she brings to her clients.
- Developed a new profit path and implementation plan.
- Embraced new media.
- No longer shied away from social media solutions for her clients and sought help, where necessary, to implement them.
- Put in place systems and procedures to measure results, track activity.
- Revamped her professional approach and elevator speech.
- Completed an Activity Assessment to determine the help she needed, then hired a virtual assistant, a good writer, and an intern – relieving the isolation and the need to do everything herself.
- Not a person who likes sharing, she began welcoming the opportunity to talk about her challenges.
- She’s excited and feels rejuvenated.
- Changed her attitude and, ultimately, her life.
When someone has a block they need another person, with experience, to help them see around and over it. The messages we say to ourselves knock us down and keep us there.
In Dyana’s own words: “You get bored. You start saying you can’t do this, you don’t want to do it anymore. You have a block and need someone to see past that. Gail gave me my power back. It was there but she made it so much more powerful.”
Dyana, you are the reason I keep working. You were inspirational when we began our journey. The magic you bring to your clients every day inspires me to make magic, too. Thank you for allowing me to share your story.
You can contact Dyana at Flanigan Communications, Visit her at
If you feel stuck, in a rut, and don’t quite know where to turn, contact me and we will get your Mojo back! I can be found at GEARSHIFT. 773-957-8582
Connect With Gail