The decades that begin in your 70’s require resilience to deal with new challenges, gratitude for living longer, and inspiration to enliven your life.
We talk weekly with women in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s whose inspiring, provocative stories spark your imagination.
Women Over 70 Podcast is a valuable resource that invites women of all ages to reimagine aging.
View more at womenover70.com
Let Us Hear From You!
We value your feedback and want to hear from you.
Do you know someone with an inspiring story to share?
Please, refer other women to us!
And, invite us to present a workshop or talk to your organization, in-person or on Zoom. The themes that emerge from the women we interview become fascinating stories that inform women of all ages.
Reach out to us at info@womenover70.com or complete the form below.
Sponsorships and partnerships available.
Connect With Gail