GEARSHIFT™ is an innovative, fast track coaching program, customized for you. Are you a woman who is passionately striving to live your dream? If you were a surgeon, a professional musician, a star athlete, wouldn’t you believe that to be the best you can be, you would need a coach on your team? Growing your business is no different.
Your time is too valuable to make mistakes that are avoidable. Successful coaching results in less stress. You grow faster, both personally and professionally, and in less time.
If accomplishing all that you strive to do is one of your goals, consider putting a coach on your team. I meet you where you are, and we grow from there.
Smart business owners seek expert guidance so they continue to grow year after year. In my 1st career, I owned 2 multi-million-dollar companies. It was not easy. I struggled because I did not ask for enough help. I thought I was expected to do it all on my own. How wrong I was. That is why I became a business coach.

Your business is similar to a machine. It is composed of a series of gears that must work in sync or chaos ensues. Every day brings you new challenges – the economy, a pandemic, new hires that need training, lack of cash flow, competition, etc. After coaching hundreds of clients in 55+ different industries and stages of growth, it is clear that all successful companies (and their leaders) get stuck. It’s what they do next that makes the difference between success and failure.
For business coaching to be effective, it must find the answer to two questions:
- What is the right challenge to work on now?
- How do we create the right solutions?
GEARSHIFT™ promises you will achieve Power, Precision, and Profits

When you embrace your individual power, you influence others to embrace your vision and work together with you to accomplish your goals. Small shifts in perspective get you there.

Systems enable your employees to work more productively and engage collaboratively. Ideas proliferate and innovation occurs, which results in your growing faster.

You are in business to be profitable and earn your fair share. Financial success gives you influence over your workplace, community and the greater world. It assures your efforts make a difference.
Are you ready to take the next steps that will propel you forward?

The big question for me is always: “Is it possible for your business to embrace creativity and produce consistent, useful and measurable innovation that keeps you ahead of your competition and at the top of your game?” The answer is a resounding YES!!
Creativity is at the heart of my coaching. By incorporating the best problem-solving techniques known and the most collaborative wins into a single program, you gain a life-long process to manage and sustain, all while enjoying higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.
What is different about the GEARSHIFT™ approach?
GEARSHIFT™ operates from the ‘Why’
Your business and your life must be aligned. You cannot separate the personal you from the professional you. They are inter-related. Successful coaching engagements start with understanding your why.
GEARSHIFT™ is grounded in results you can measure
Together we create the strategy that works to accomplish your goals and then we identify measures that hold your feet to the fire. For coaching to be successful, you must believe in accountability.
GEARSHIFT™ provides the resources you need
As you begin to let go of self-imposed boundaries, the GEARSHIFT approach prompts subtle shifts in thinking, tears down old ways of acting and replaces them with more relevant, useful ways of working.
In today’s world, we meet on Zoom. So, no matter where you are in the world, I am here, ready to help you SOAR for Success.
Connect With Gail